Thanks again for running the Hawk Indoor Marathon. We have compared the manual lap counter sheets, the TimeMachine times recorded as people finished and the transponder times. We will probably never get them all to agree or to match your GPS watch or smartphone. First, the distance shown on the itsyourrace result page is not designed to handle the fact that the first lap was about 214m when all of the rest were 200m. Second, while GPS can calculate distance on long, linear runs, GPS is not well suited for track runs, and over-reports distances covered. So, we are not surprised if your GPS reading does not agree with these results. On the other hand, it is possible for our system to miss a transponder read. If you see a large gap between two lap reads that did not reflect a stop to change clothes, etc, please let us know and we can adjust your lap count. Because the results are now official, you can download your finisher certificate at: Our official times, without regard to lap splits are reported at:

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